How To Make Millions Before Grandma Dies (Lahn Mah) — A Review
by ara is in the cinema | films review🎫✨️

Title: How To Make Millions Before Grandma Dies
Release year: 2024
Director: Pat Bonnitipat
Cast: Patthipong Assaratanakul, Usha Seamkhum, Tontawan Tantivejakul, Senya Kunakorn, Pongsaturn Jongwilas
Duration: 2h5m
Genre: Slice of Life, Drama, Family
Personal rating: 9.5/10
This film depicted family dynamics and generational problems about love, trust, and money. Following a grandson, named M that decided to quit his job in order to take care of his grandmother (Mah) after she diagnosed with cancer.
This film succeed to bring audiences going through an incredible emotional journey. In the cinema while I’m watching this movie, I can feel the room being swept with thousands of feelings. This film made us laugh, angry, annoyed, and cried within it’s 2 hours duration. Even when the film ended, I see no audience rushed from their chairs. We all stunned. We sit in silence within our own emotions (and our tears) , pouring it all out, and try to sort our thoughts.
Lahn Mah invites us to appreaciate those simple moments we have with our loved ones, to see beyond the masks they use to cover up their feelings, and to questions our own self.
All of those beautiful scenes wrapped within stunning, yet soft and simple cinematography. We can see many Bangkok’s beautiful spots: spots that most of the time forgotten when we talk about the city and it’s people. It is raw and simple, and somehow makes the movie much more relatable and real.
This film is a reminder for all of us to reflect more on ourselves, the true meaning of family and love. It really feels like a slap in the head, but also a warm hug. I realized throughout the movie there’s a lot of little details that many audience probably won’t notice (found in clothes, conversation, and more). Those details add even more value to this already very meaningful film.
If you decide to watch this film, I encourage you to not forget to bring your tissue, as I can guarantee you that this movie is going to bawl your eyes out. One more thing, don’t try to hold your emotion, what are you trying to act though for? just let it all out.
happy watching:)
“ family is calling ”